City Cemetery No. 4

San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, United States


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City Cemetery #4 is located in the Old San Antonio City Cemeteries Historic District. There are 31 adjacent cemeteries in this District. City Cemetery #4 was established in 1892. There are an estimated 1,800 burials in this cemetery. The entrance to the cemetery is on N. New Braunfels Avenue. It is bordered by N. New Braunfels Avenue, East Commerce Street, Confederate Cemetery and Paso Hondo Street. Not a lot is known about this burial ground. It was founded in 1892 and contains the final resting places of private organizations including the San Antonio Fire Department, Order of Railroad Conductors, St. Mark’s Church and the Typographical Union. Interesting Tombstones – There are several other interesting sites in Cemetery #4 including an impressive pedestal and urn (Ufer), beautiful angel (Arzola) and a lovely old rusted Victorian fence
City Cemetery No. 4, Created by A. Royal, San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, United States